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Public Notices
The City of Belding publishes public notices on this page. Please check often as it is updated regularly. See also our City Calendar page. If you have questions, please phone City offices at (616) 794-1900 or use our Contact Us page.
Wastewater System Improvement Project - We Need Your Help
September, 2023
The City of Belding’s Wastewater System Improvement Project is anticipated to begin construction this Fall (2023). The project’s scope of work includes abandoning the existing lagoon wastewater treatment facility and constructing a new mechanical wastewater treatment plant along with various other critical sanitary sewer collection system improvements. This project is required by an Administrative Consent Order issued by the State of Michigan to address deficiencies with the existing lagoon system and to mitigate future risks to the environment. The project will improve the wastewater system operation and functionality to allow the city to provide reliable wastewater service to its users.
The original project budget was forecasted at $37 million in early 2022. However, due to contractor workload, labor shortages, and increased material costs, bids came in higher than anticipated and the total project cost has increased to approximately $45 million.
Belding has been fortunate to secure $18.51 million in loan principal forgiveness and $2 million in grants. The originally anticipated remaining $18.51 million dollars was to be financed using revenue bonds. The City’s sewer rates have already been increased in anticipation to repay the revenue bonds.
With the increased project costs, the anticipated bond is now over $25 million. Consequently, the city needs to consider increasing rates further to finance the additional $9 million in debt. The City of Belding is a disadvantaged community and the city will continue looking for any additional grants available to help avoid further rate increases.
The city had considered postponing the wastewater project or rebidding at a later date. However, delaying the project would increase costs further and jeopardize the grants that have already been awarded.
The City of Belding is seeking your assistance in securing alternate sources of grant revenue by contacting state and federal legislators. This would significantly assist our community and residents that are in need. Construction is scheduled to begin this Fall so timing is critical.
Please contact the undersigned at your earliest convenience to discuss this situation and learn how you can help.
Jon Stoppels, City Manager
616 794 1900 Ext 216
New Wastewater Treatment Plant – No Environmental Impact Determination
Notice of Comment Period: FNSI, City of Belding, Ionia County
Attached is EGLEs (Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy) Finding of No Significant Environmental Impact (FNSI) and notice of 30-day public comment period for the new mechanical wastewater treatment plant in the City of Belding, Ionia County, to increase treatment efficiency and capacity, and collection system improvement projects.
The attached document is available on the EGLE Water Infrastructure Funding & Financing Section (WIFFS) webpage, as linked below.,9429,7-135-3307_3515_3517-297241--,00.html
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Point Broadband Internet Service
100% Fiber Internet coming soon to Belding!
Smart 911 Profile Creation
Residents are encouraged to create a Smart 911 Profile for Emergency Notifications. Please click on the link below for more information.
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