Government and Services > City Government > City Finance Office
City of Belding Finance Office
Becky Schlienz, Finance Director and Treasurer
616-794-1900, extension 203
Finance Department Mission
The mission of the Finance Department is to provide competent and comprehensive financial services which accurately account for all financial transactions; to bill and collect all City revenue accurately and on a timely basis; invest idle funds prudently and to make authorized disbursements on time and to assure that all assessments are accurate, fair, equitable, and lawful.
The Finance Department has the overall responsibility of all accounting and finance related functions. This responsibility is discharged in accordance with Federal and State regulations, the City Charter, City Ordinances enacted by the City Council, directives from the City Manager, and by utilizing the Governmental Accounting and Financial Standards established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
Due Dates for City Taxes
Summer taxes are due August 15,
and Winter taxes are due February 14.
Telephone and Online Payment of Utility Bills and Property Taxes
The City of Belding is now accepting credit card and online payment for utility bills (water and sewer) and current taxes. Official Payments is the online processing firm we've chosen to manage these transactions. Official Payments charges a 3% convenience fee.
You may telephone to make a payment; call (800) 272-9829. At the prompt, enter Jurisdiction Code 7090. Or you may make payment online. Visit our Bill Pay page at the link below.
Please remember to allow at least five days for processing of all bank, phone or online payments. We cannot use the date the bank processes your check for payment, or the mailing date. We enter the payment the day it arrives in our office, and if a payment is late, a penalty is added.
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City Finance Documents and Links
Use these drawers to find documents and links relating to City of Belding finances.
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Finance Roles and Responsibilities
The Finance Director and Treasurer oversees the departmental operations, maintains the General Ledger, prepares for the annual audit, assists in the development of the budget, invests the City's money, and administers all information technology related issues.
The Deputy Treasurer is responsible for the Utility Billing function where over 1,700 water and sewer accounts need to be maintained. Other tasks include Accounts Receivable, Property Taxes, Cemetery, and assisting with the General Ledger.
The Administrative Assistant is responsible for Accounts Payable, Payroll and Human Resources.
The Assessor holds a part-time position working two eight-hour days a week and maintains files on over 2,200 parcels.