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Dial-a-Ride Shuttle Bus Service
Convenient, low cost area transportation for citizens of Belding.
Ready to serve you!
The City of Belding operates its Belding area Dial-a-Ride transportation services Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Special routes and times are available weekdays between the cities of Belding, Greenville and Ionia. Please call (616) 794-3278 for more information.
Dial-a-Ride Rates
Cost of the service within the Belding area is $3.00 per adult, $2.50 per student, and $1.50 per senior or disabled person. Children age 3 years or younger ride free when accompanied by an adult.
Get Around the Area with Dial-a-Ride
For more information about Dial-a-Ride transportation services, phone (616) 794-3278 during regular business hours.
Dial-a-Ride is a great way to get to places like Belding's East Riverside Park for lovely views of wildflowers along the Flat River.
Special Needs Service
Dial-a-Ride maintains five lift-equipped buses for customers with special needs. Customers who use wheelchairs or are disabled can be accompanied by an aide at no charge for the aide.

Dial-a-Ride Downloads
Find helpful Dial-a-Ride documents here.
ADA Complaint and Reasonable Modification Policies and Forms (PDF)
Discrimination Policy 2024 (PDF)
Oxygen and Respirator Policy (PDF)