Government and Services > City Government > Boards and Commissions
Boards and Commissions
Are you interested in serving your community? Join and support the volunteers listed here. Good city government needs bright, thoughtful citizens with a passion for Belding.
All meetings are open and the public is welcome to attend.
Board/Commission Vacancies
We have several boards/commissions that have vacancies or upcoming vacancies, however, there does not need to be a vacancy on a board or commission for you to apply. The City will keep your application on file for one (1) year from the date of submission. Contact the City Clerk by clicking on the link below or by calling 616-794-1900, ext. 210.
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City Clerk
Serve on a City Board
An amendment allowing non-residents to serve on some City Boards and Commissions was passed on November 8, 2016. An excerpt of the Official County Canvass of the November 8, 2016 General Election can be found in the link below. We encourage interested citizens to download an application at the link below, fill it out and bring it to City Hall.
Download a File:
Application for Consideration for Appointment to a City Board/Commission (PDF)
Belding City Council
Meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, at 7:00 p.m. at the Pere Marquette Depot, 100 Depot Street.
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Zoning Board of Appeals
Meets as needed.
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is a five-person committee appointed by the City Council with staggered three-year terms. The City Council Liaison is a voting member of the ZBA. The powers of the board of zoning appeals include: hearing of appeals, granting of temporary uses and buildings, and hearing cases of a change of use from one non-conforming use to another non-conforming use.
Appointed Members
John LaClear, 616-308-2559
Term Expires: December 31, 2024
Mike Brady, Chair, 616-894-1266
Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Richard Outman, 616-794-1434
Term Expires: December 31, 2026
Ken Myers, 616-375-3512
Term Expires: December 31, 2027
Shelley Gladding, City Council Liaison, 616-430-4547
Download a File:
Bylaws, Zoning Board of Appeals (PDF)
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Recreation Advisory Board
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
The Recreation Advisory Board is a five-person committee appointed by the City Council with three-year terms. In addition, one student who is a junior in the Belding High School and a resident of the city shall be appointed as a non-voting member. The Board advises the city council and city manager on matters concerning recreation in the city and makes recommendations on the location of sites for parks and recreational areas to the city council. The board also recommends such measures as it deems necessary and proper for the betterment of the city recreation program.
Appointed Members
Scott McNeal, 616-794-1445
Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Sharon Carlson, 616-794-1740
Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Mike McCarty, 616-450-7571
Term Expires: December 31, 2026
Ron Devereaux, Chair, 616-894-1212
Term Expires: December 31, 2026
Rebecca Reinink, 231-499-7295
Term Expires: December 31, 2027
Colton Hummel, Student Representative - BHS Junior
Term Expires: April 2025
Bonita Steele, City Council Liaison, 616-894-7069
Download a File:
Bylaws, Recreation Advisory Board (PDF)
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Museum Advisory Board
Appointed Members
Bruce Feuerstein, Chair, 616-794-1630
Term Expires: April 30, 2025
Barb Fagerlin, 616-794-0126
Term Expires: April 30, 2025
Peggy Crystler, 616-794-3689
Term Expires: April 30, 2025
Angie Terry, 616-794-3178
Term Expires: April 30, 2026
Donald Bryant, 616-894-3661
Term Expires: April 30, 2026
Jill Mason, 616-794-3558
Term Expires: April 30, 2027
Jan Mehney, 616-761-3374
Term Expires: April 30, 2027
Jeannine Leary, City Council Liaison, 305-988-7888
Download a File:
Bylaws, Museum Advisory Board (PDF)
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Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
Meets every other month (February, May, August and November) on the 1st Wednesday at 4:15 p.m. at the Pere Marquette Depot, 100 Depot Street.
The Downtown Development Authority is an eight to twelve-person committee appointed by the City Council. The board is involved with the creation and implementation of development plans in the downtown district and with the promotion of economic growth.
Appointed Members
Rebecca Reinink, 231-499-7295
Term Expires: April 30, 2025
Bruce Feuerstein, 616-794-1630
Term Expires: April 30, 2025
Troy Palmer, 616-308-6285
Term Expires: April 30, 2025
Peter Reece, 818-679-2647
Term Expires: April 30, 2025
Sharon Carlson - Chair, 616-794-1740
Term Expires: April 30, 2026
Wendy Rode, 616-794-2350
Term Expires: April 30, 2026
Jim Mason, 616-490-5209
Term Expires: April 30, 2026
Clinton Hewartson, 616-329-2457
Term Expires: April 30, 2026
Nikolai Zerkle, 616-349-0693
Term Expires: April 30, 2027
John LaClear, 616-308-2559
Term Expires: April 30, 2027
Mike Tefft, 616-794-0973
Term Expires: April 30, 2028
James Hickman, 616-794-2841
Term Expires: April 30, 2028
Jon Stoppels - City Manager, 616-794-1900, ext. 216
Download a File:
Bylaws, Downtown Development Authority (DDA) (PDF)
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City Planning Commission
Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
The six voting members of the Planning Commission are appointed by the City Council serving three-year terms. The Board adopts a Master Plan for the physical development of the city, reviews the Capital Improvements Plan, recommends zoning changes, approves plats and governs the subdivision of land.
Appointed Members
John LaClear, Chair, 616-308-2559
Term Expires: December 31, 2024
Audra Geister, 616-648-0298
Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Jennifer Stone, 616-690-6139
Term Expires: December 31, 2026
Mike Tefft, 616-794-0973
Term Expires: December 31, 2027
Vacant - City Council Liaison
Download a File:
Bylaws, Planning Commission (PDF)
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Board of Review
Board meets in March, July and December
The Board of Review is a three-person committee appointed by the City Council with a one-year term. The purpose of the Board is to revise and correct assessments and authorize changes, additions or corrections to the assessment roll.
Appointed Members
Marjorie Hansen, 616-794-2661
Douglas Lamborne, 616-794-3579
John Niemela, 517-256-7943
Richard Outman, 616-794-1434
Construction Board of Appeals
Meets as needed.
The Construction Board of Appeals is a three-person committee appointed by the City Council with four-year terms. The Board hears and decides appeals from the decisions by the City Building Officials in their enforcement of the Building Codes as adopted by the City Council.
Appointed Members
Joseph Cooper, 616-794-1140
Robert Gasper, 616-794-3375
David Mierendorf, 616-204-2340
Library Board
Meets 4th Monday of month - 5:30 p.m.
The Alvah N. Belding Memorial Library shall be administered by a library board which consists of five directors which are appointed by the City Council with three-year terms. The Board has the duty to control and govern the library premises, and for that purpose it may make or adopt such bylaws, rules or regulations for the government of the library as may be expedient and consistent with the Charter of the city and the general law of the state.
Appointed Members
Ron Gunderson, 616-894-1772
Janice Lamborne, 616-244-3226
Kathleen Lehman, 616-490-2088
Thomas Cameron, 616-329-3573
Jennifer Mierendorf
Jeannine Leary, City Council Liaison, 305-988-7888
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Property Maintenance Code Board of Appeals
Meets as needed.
The Property Maintenance Code Board of Appeals is a three person committee appointed by the City Council with three-year terms. The Board hears and decides appeals from the decisions by the City Officials in their enforcement of the Property Maintenance Code as adopted by the City Council.
Appointed Members
Joseph Cooper, 616-794-1140
Robert Gasper, 616-794-3375